Green World with b minor Cascade
Green World with b minor Cascade is based on a performance of Domenico Scarlatti's Sonata K293 by Orion Weiss
The title Green World with b minor Cascade is a reference to the harmony of Sonata K293 and the cascade of scales which are a distinctive feature of its structure. The text and markings on the painting track the 3 voices present in the Sonata, each one carrying at least a small section of the melody at one time or another. The most significant overlap is just right of the center of the painting, where you will find paler, more green hues. You can think of this painting as a landscape - the center of the painting is a low cool creek bed in a forest which is surrounded by steep hills on each side, much like you would find in the dense tree-covered hills in the Ozarks. On each of the far edges of the painting blue tree trunks are illuminated from behind by cool orange light. You are standing in the creek bed looking upward on each side, surrounded by green and drenched in a cascade of lavender and vermilion.